Thursday, August 21, 2008

Some Thoughts

I apologize for not writing sooner. Things have gotten busy and interesting. Lets see....first David and I went riding on our horses on Sunday. It was so much fun. Elliot was a little gentleman except for his insistence upon eating THE WHOLE WORLD. We followed David and Prue. David had to constantly remind Prue that he is lead mare and not her. She had some problems with this but he stuck to his guns and we had a lovely ride on my parents property. However, I discovered I was going to be sore by Sunday night. At 3:00 in the morning on Monday I was pretty certain I had ripped some vital part of my body and was wondering if I'd ever be able to walk without looking like I had hemorrhoids ever again. (By the way I DO NOT have hemorrhoids).
I decided I was going to live on Tuesday so I helped my mother cut material for sewing. We actually had a good time. She finished sewing a border on a quilt I had worked on for my new cousin Adel. I want to bring it to her when I go to California so she helped me out while I cut material. We finally finished it on Wednesday so we put it on the rack to quilt in her bedroom. It takes up the whole bedroom which I sure my father just loves (NOT) but hopefully it won't take long.
Today I was going to meet my mom at the dentist because I had noticed this golf ball sized lump in her cheek that she insisted wasn't so bad. I cringed and made her make an appointment. As I was feeding my horses this morning I noticed my baby Penny had a swollen hock and of course the sign of anything questionable makes me run to the phone to call the vet (we call him Clyde or Doc Watkins around here. He is an amazing vet but a man of few words). He told me he'd be down in about 30 minutes which I know to mean about an hour. So I decided I would help my Dad thin out his willow trees and the branches with live growth I'd give to my horses. This is what we call environmental enrichment. As I threw the branches in the corral they all snorted nervously and stood very still and very wide eyed. Of course the baby is the brave one (which might explain her various injuries) and after a few stops and starts they were all dragging around these branches happily. Clyde finally arrived and said she just bruised her leg and to just hit it with some blue spray (????). I asked if he had any and he said no but that he'd set some out with Joanne, his wife.
By this time I only had a half hour to run and get the "blue spray", get a latte, and my book and meet my mother at the dentist. Joanne was very excited because, like me, she is getting ready for a trip to Michigan to be with her family but I had to run so I finally got what I needed, ran and got my latte (they start making it when they see my car pull up...I love The Peace Tree) and I barely made it home to get my book but I arrived on time.
I was juggling my mother, her walker, my keys, her checkbook, my book and my latte. Something had to go and I lost my latte. We sadly looked down but no matter my mother said...just get me inside and get another one...we argued for a few minutes and I finally relented (like anyone had any doubts). So I got her in and ran back to The Peace Tree. I could see in their faces that they now think I have a "latte" problem. I tried to explain but perhaps they're right. I'm waiting and reading in the waiting room and they call me in. My mother had two teeth pulled. I was in awe. For me to even get in the chair I need at least 9 prescriptions of happy medicine and she just sat down and had a few teeth pulled. WOW!!!!
She then came over and played with Mr. Ball and Alex and helped me do my bobbins on my sewing machine (me and this sewing machine go round and round and oftentimes my mother has to intervene).
After she went home to nap I turned on the TV and once again Law & Order came on. I had a choice between regular Law & Order or Law & Order: SVU. I decided I couldn't take it any more. I have seen every episode of Law & Order, Law & Order: SVU and Law & Order: CI at least 10 times. I'm done. I can't pretend to care anymore. I admit I had a Law & Order addiction for years but I just can't do it anymore. But there was nothing else on so I'm giving Turner Classic Movies a try. Today was Eva Gardner day but I will admit in the first movie I began reading my really great book Eat, Pray, Love and during the second one I'm writing a new post to my blog so I'm not sure how long Turner Classic Movies is going to last. I'll keep you posted (Ha Ha).

As long as we are on this small planet together, we need human gentleness, human affection.
-His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Love Lisa

By the way the "Blue Spray" is the bluest crap I've ever seen. Besides staining Penny's leg blue permenantly (I'm sure) it has stained my hands blue as well. And this is very blue. I believe the blue has become one with my cells and pretty soon I may resemble something out of X-Men but if it helps my little princess than its no big deal.


ShutUpandRun said...

Geez between Penny and your mom you sure are the caretaker. In the midst of all that I would have cried if I lost my latte. Coffee is VERY important to me too.

Lisa said...

I am so glad you understand. Its not just my mother or Penny. Its soooo soooo much more but I'm okay. I'm working on finding a balance. I'll be okay. And day starts without a latte.