I pick up the Salt Lake Tribune this morning and look what I find. I have mixed emotions about my new fame. This isn't really how I wanted to experience my 15 minutes. I figured if I made it into a big paper it would be because I accomplished world peace, discovered the cure for cancer or at the very least I could be a victim of a crime, be a witness to a massive explosion, survived a hurricane....you get my meaning.
My other problem is of the picture. You see...I had just set up for the SFM (we all know what I'm talking about here) and I REALLY needed a latte. The Peace Tree is like my Cheers except they don't yell "Norm!" when I walk in. Anyhoo...The manager, Kristin and I were talking with these "tourists" about this tragedy. I walk out and they are waiting and they are still asking questions. Then they ask if they could take my picture. At this point I become suspicious. That's when they inform me they are with the Salt Lake Tribune. The dude is taking a crap load of pictures. I know there was at least 20. And this is the picture they settle on???? I couldn't believe it. I of course mumbled my complaint and David said it was great because I look sad. I am sad but this picture makes me look constipated...am I right?
The other thing I want to point out is the TWO lattes I have in my arms. Remember whenever I had to bite my tongue at the SFM? Remember I just sip my lattes? Well I could tell this Saturday I was going to need two.
I told these lovely gentlemen that I had only lived here 21/2 years and that there were tons of other people that they could interview that would shed more light. Never in a million years did I expect my picture in the paper. I feel kind of bad but one doesn't choose his/her 15 minutes. So that's it people...I've peaked...terrific.
I can't help but to point out just one more small thing....remember how I post David's picture in the paper. His paper comes out once a week. My picture is bigger in a bigger paper...not that I'm competing or anything...I'm just saying.
So that is my post for today. I had other plans but theres always tomorrow. I'm going to start leaving you with very wise words from one of my most favorite people in the whole world, His Holiness the Dalai Lama:
If you shift your focus from yourself to others, and think more about others' well-being and welfare, it has an immediate liberating effect.
Love Lisa
Yes you do look constipated; like you are trying to push out a turd. But I actually like the picture. And I'm proud you've had your 15 minutes. I'm not sure when mine will come. Probably when I blow up the toilet at the local brewpub and they have to call in the fire dept. I seem to block toilets alot, but that is another story for another blog. Love, Tsam.
Thanks Beth...I knew you'd see it my way.
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