She is also one of the smartest people I know (as long as it does not require her to think from her heart). Throughout her life I have fretted over what she would grow up to be. What would give her passion. We found it. Cooking. I come from a long line of gourmet cooks in my family however they were the men in my family until Jessie. But then again I always told her she acted more like a man than a girl in so many things. She is really good. Her dream became to go to Culinary Arts School to become a chef. She wants to be one of those snobby chefs that can throw pots and knives in the kitchen if things don't go her way and I believe she can pull it off. So she has moved to North Salt Lake to start school in January. Oh did I mention she met the man of her dreams as well? Yes...his name is Tyler.
It was hard to say goodbye. Her best friend Katelyn and I cried and cried but we both want her to be happy so its worth it.
This is her "soul sisters" in the restaurant she worked at for 2-3 years. She was there when it opened and did much of the painting herself. I know how scared she was to leave but she had gone as far as she could go there and even though she felt safe here I'm proud of her taking the plunge onto new and better things.
Jessie 5000 you ask? Well she decided whats in a last name. I completely understand as I have had 4 myself. She felt Jessie 5000 makes a statement. She forgets her very presence makes a statement but far be it for me to argue. So what does everyone think? Kind of fits....don't it?
I just wanted everyone out there that has seen my many tears over this child to know how so very proud I am of her. The world truly is her oyster and I know she will conquer the world like she has conquered her pain, her fears and all the many things that she had to carry around with her.
I could go on and on but the main thing I want everyone to know is she really is my Jessie 5000. She was the greatest thing I have ever accomplished in my life. I'm not saying it was easy. Why David hung in there with me getting through all this I have no idea. That just goes to show you how much he loves me but you will not find a family (and yes we are a great family) that loves each other more.
This is just a start on the adventures of Jessie. Believe me I will have many posts on this little gem but I thought I'd give you some background on my beautiful daughter. She is beautiful inside and out, she will help anyone in a time of need, she has so much compassion for the underdog and animals because she has been an underdog her whole life and yet you'd never know it to talk to her.
Wish her luck on the next phase of her life and I will keep you "posted" on all her adventures.
This I dedicate to my daughter whom I believe has saved my life as many times as I've saved her.
A proud mother
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