Sunday, August 10, 2008

Correction...sorry Justin

Okay husband is a wonderful man but he gets on my blog and critiques it and he pointed out ...I don't know...8000 times that I miss spelled something. In the my rodeo post mention of Justin Keyes I mentioned he was a "cutie pootie"....that is NOT correct. I meant to say cutie PAtootie. Got that everyone. are not a are a know a sugar britches. So please accept my apologies and just know I am now diligent in my proof reading and spell check. What can I say...I get in the zone and my brain works much faster than my fingers.

Thank you for your patience


ShutUpandRun said...

'm really glad you cleared that up. We wouldn't want Justin thinking he was a Pootie when he could be a PAtootie.

Denise K. said...

Hi there!

I am a friend of Beth's and saw your comment on her blog. I just stopped by to check out your blog, and had to comment on your post about your hubby being critical of spelling, etc... My husband is always full of, "Oh, you forgot this or that"..."You have way too many commas in that post Denise", or "Oh, I would take that out!" Ugh! I just want to write and feel free to say what I would like without comments from the house editor! hee hee

Anyway, just had to share that I can relate to your comment!

SMILES! Denise in Colorado Ü

Lisa said...

I am so glad to meet you Denise. Aren't husbands great??? I'm glad I'm not the only one. I hope to meet you sometime. Do you live near Beth?
And thanks for reading my blog. This has been the best therapy I've had in years.