The above picture is of the best, prize winning vegetables. Have any of you ever seen Andy Griffith? There is this one epiosode where Aunt Bee makes this disgusting pickels. She is determined to beat Clara who always wins. As I walked though this Hall of Fame I could not help but think of that episode.
The picture to the right is of the prize winning flowers. I plan on entering this next year. These people are going down!!!
This was a quilt that won best of show all hand sewn and it was exquisite. During the long, long winter here ( everyone assures me is extremely rare) I made a quilt. It was all hand sewn. All I need to do it put it together which I'm working on. I plan on slaying these quilters as well. What can I must change to survive...I went from rock band groupie to veggie grower, flower grower and quilt maker. One does what one must to save ones sanity. I fight fire with fire. If you can't beat 'em then you must join them. My quilts will be for another blog as will my veggies and my flowers.
Now the fun part is the kids are big on FFA here (future farmers of America) and the 4-H club. These kids work all year raising an animal to be judge and then to be auctioned for .....well...livestock is livestock here. Me? I'd keep them as pets but everyone thinks I'm insane here and who knows...they may be right. But I LOVED the animals.
This little guy in particular caught my eye because...well look at him. Is that cuteness or what? He displayed dignity and patience for all of this stuff. There were also pigs and sheep....Yes I wanted to take them all home but Dave put his foot down.
The "little lamb" was very receptive to having his picture taken and lets face it guys the pigs butt....well thats a butt only a mother could love. But we had so much fun being able to stroll around and admire these prize winning faces (or butts).
Tonight we will get phtots of the rodeo which I will of course share (like you care). But this is my life now and to be quite frank its not a bad one. Everyone watches out for everyone elses kids. You leave your purse and keys in the car and you think nothing of walking the streets st 3:00 in the morning. There is no crime, no violence, no meaness of any kind.
I will say we are reeling from a tragedy that hit this community yesterday. One of Dave's dear golf friends plus two others died in a plane crash yesterday morning. He had just played in the amateur that I spoke of before and was the first to congratulate David on his winnings. He was our neighbor for the first two years we lived here and has left behind young children. It was unspeakably tragic and Eric shall be sorely missed.
It just goes to show you no matter where you live tragedy is inevitable. So I shall leave you with this: Live each day as if it were your last. Love like you may never be able to love again. Stop and admire the sunsets and sunrises and hold your children, thank your parents and laugh with your friends. We are on this earth for such a short time so every day is so very precious. As Sheryl Crow sings "Life happens while you are making plans" so be spontaneous and enjoy every simple moment you can.
Love Lisa
Ok, so, I'm exhausted from being out in the sun for three days working and Joel sits down at the computer to catch up on Planet Utah. I realize I haven't slowed down enough to read about the last four entries, so we start with Jesse. BIG mistake!! I get to the part about being so tough to hide her big heart and it's all over! I forget how much alike she and Joel are! I love you all and miss you so much!
I miss you guys so much. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Plese keep in touch and thank you and Joel so much for giving a shit and reading my nonsense. It makes me feel loved and not forgotten.
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