Good morning everyone. Well I recovering from my 4th bought with bronchitis and to be quite frank I am as over being sick as a person can be. Today will be my first day back at work since Monday. I slept, ate Easter candy and watched movies, while knitting a hat and cross stitching a mothers day gift to my wonderful mother in law.

And my own special Grinch:
Tonight after work however I have someplace to that should make for a great post tomorrow. I'm going to a lecture in our sister town Monticello titled Goddesses of the Zodiac. This woman is a healer.
Right now I am on hold for the third time to my Internet company because my mail is acting weird and I want a new address to stop the ginormous amount of junk mail on such things as male enhancement ( a extremely important medical epidemic I guess) and luscious twins ready to do all sorts of naughty things to me.
So I watched Juno which I loved and Smart People which I really loved. I've seen Hancock...not as good as I thought it was going to be. For Christmas I got my mother a membership to Netflix. But they get delivered to my house so I get to watch them first. I got to see Get Smart and Nights of Rodanthe...a typical Nicholas Sparks tear jerker.
Speaking of Christmas David and I drove to Salt Lake to see Jessica and the Christmas lights all throughout the Temple Square. This was a trip in honor of Davids Birthday. It just so happens a BYU game was playing at the Energy Solutions Arena where the Jazz play. Now unless you live here and see the frenzied devotion of all Utah sports fans but there are truly no better fans on earth than the BYU fans. So Jessie and her boyfriend Tyler went in their truck and David and I followed in the mustang. Well David and I were high on life man....high on life....however Jessie was becoming more frustrated as the exodus to Temple Square. They pulled into a parking garage but Dave and I were immersed in the beauty of the city. Well we found another entrance to the parking garage but the is a HUGE parking garage full of BYU fans. Jess would text me and I would text her. They finally found a place to park but now they realized the money had been left at home. By this time Dave and I parked and were happily watching the horse drawn carriages jam up the overwhelming traffic just that much more. I smile as I sipped my hot chocolate with my handsome husband and I was rejoicing in my Christmas spirit....the beauty and wonder of it all. At this moment Jess texts me with an "ABORT!!!!!!@!! FUCK CHRISTMAS!! That's when I knew my Christmas would be a special one and the reasons for celebrating is for family and universal love. sweet little princess was not feeling the Christmas spirit. So they drive by us as Dave threw some money in the moving vehicle. I was "jazzed" because I knew it would be nothing but fun and wonder from here on out. We texted them the exact location (which was the north gate of Temple Square. Now mind you there is only 4 entrances and only one of these were called North. David and I waited and waited and waited. I get frantic texts that she is ready to punch out some guy playing the bagpipes. We finally see her and I embrace her with all the love in my heart and told to watch the beautiful horses. That's when she said "Fuck the horses" and off we went into the wonderland of lights. At the end of our time there David, Jessie and I posed for a picture that captures the memories of that wondrous night.
Here are some more fun pictures at Christmas:
My mother...who is the most adorable thing to see Christmas morning.
And finally just me and David. We had a nice quiet Christmas. And now its SPRING!!!!!!
"If an individual has a clam state of mind, that person's attitudes and views will be calm and tranquil even in the presence of great agitation"
-His Holiness the Dalai Lama
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