Monday, March 23, 2009

The Dalai Lama

I can't believe but in my excitement of the storm chasing etc. I have forgotten to leave you with wirds of wisdom from the Dalai Lama and I don'y know about you but I hate starting a day unless I have read something he said so here are two quotes:

"To minimize hatred is internal disarmament"

"Compassion, forgiveness, these are real, ultimate sources of power for peace and success in life".

-His Holiness the Dalai Lama

My friend Beth does something really cool in her blog and she write what she is thankful for that day. I like that but I think for now I will list what I am mindful of each day.

I am mindful: of the muscians who give me such great music.
I am mindful: that my mother needs me everyday but she may not ask.
I am mindful: that my body hurts so I need to take care of myself until I get my refills.
I am mindful: my friend Morgan is counting on me being at work for her shift so she can be a blonde again.
I am mindful: my husband loves me more than anything on this earth and he would do anything to make me happy.

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