One of the awful things that happened to me in January is I was notified one of my dearest friends in Virginia committed suicide. This was a devastating loss to me for several reasons.
One he was one of those people that is too nice for this world and it caught up with him. He was always happy to see David and I and sometime we would just hang out with him. He loved his friends but because he couldn't drive we had to come to him. If I needed to escape I would just go there. He had this cat named Guido. This is the meanest cat I ever saw. He literally HATED everyone but Mikey who spoiled him beyond explanation.
I always knew he was lonely and he had this huge capacity to love. He hadn't dated a girl since the last one broke his heart 15 years ago. He reminded me of all the loner characters in movies such as Edward Scissor hands or a mountain man or Galileo that died in exile alone.
Everyone took advantage of him because he was sooo nice. I didn't. I was alone too at the time (as far as friends go...thank God David has always been by my side). I could see the pain of these people who used him all over his face. So he became one of my best friends.
Well last winter he got throat cancer and had to stay in a hospital. He own a fairly successful motorcycle repair shop at the time so he asked a friend he desperately wanted to trust to run things for him
until he was released from the hospital. This "friend" in a few short months had destroyed his business. it was so heinous I cannot even begin to tell you specifics but Mikey was released from the hospital owing 50,000 dollars when he was way in the black when he got sick. After struggling to salvage his dream he finally gave up and committed suicide.
The reason I am writing about this is because I haven't really talked about it and I guess a part of me identifies with him and last but not least he had become such a dear sweet friend. My heart is broken.
I took a picture of this old dead tree the other day and as I looked at my photo later that old dead tree reminded me of Mikey.
It took people a week to find his body (he was a loner as I mentioned) and I don't believe I have even allowed my self to grieve but when i took the picture I felt closure.
I shall miss him. I was so lucky to know a person with a pure heart. They are kind of rare these days. When I found out I was so PISSED, then so very sad. If I was still in Virginia I would've found him immediately. It breaks my heart.
I told you I would start to update you on some of the goings on in my life that made keeping up a blog impossible. Here is one of those reasons.
I'm going to leave you with a quote from the Dalai Lama (of course) but I dedicate this to my dear friend who is no doubt an angel now:
"Some people when we talk about compassion and love, think it is a religious matter. Compassion is the universal religion".
-His Holiness the Dalai Lama
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