As promised I am here to report what I learned last night. First things first, it was a lecture per se on the 4 goddesses of the zodiac. The woman who lectured was from Cortez CO. where she is an astrologist and does readings and things. For this post to make any sense, you must know I know NOTHING about this stuff and the majority of what this woman (Cassandra) said was greek to me. However as I was sitting there listening to her talk it reminded me of what it must have been like when the oral traditions were the only way people learned. Before books and even primitive writing there were the villages and each village had a wise one that was entrusted to pass down all the stories, legends, etc. to the next generation.

The lady in the center is Cassandra.
And this person is Kathy who has also become a very dear friend. She has worked for Karen for a year. She was originally from Albuquerque.
Cassandra lit a candle and talked about the 4 goddesses. The other thing I found fun was each goddess story reminded me of all the greek mythology I had to learn in school as a child and I always loved studying the myths.
The lady in the center is Cassandra.
The woman to the far left in a black top is my boss Karen Whipple who owns all The Peace Tree Cafes. More than that though is she has become a dear friend.
Okay so for the goddesses:
First goddess is Black Moon Lilith. She is our wild woman. She is in all of us. Astrologically she is a moving focal point in the moon's orbit with a 9 year cycle, spending 9 months in each sign. She is currently at 3 degrees Capricorn. What does this all mean? I have absolutely no idea but what I did love is hearing the myths around Lilith. She was before Eve but she wasn't subservient to Adam and finally took off and God felt bad for Adam so he made Eve from Adams side and she was sweet and docile and gave up the nookie whenever he wanted until one day a snake approaches her and convinces her to eat the apple. Lilith is the snake and both Lilith and Eve represent two sides of every woman. But I like Lilith way more. She doesn't care what people think. She is always true to herself. But everytime she is she pays a horrible price.
Second goddess is Ceres. She is the smallest dwarf planet and largest object in the astroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. She is beautiful, pearly white and nearly perfectly round. Her orbit takes 4.6 years, discovered in 1871, currently at 2 degrees of Virgo (again....I don't know). Her myth was really cool that explained the seasons. She I remember from greek mythology but she went by a different name. Anyhoo...she is agriculture and the seasons. Winter is when her daughter has to go back to the underworld to hang out with Hades and do what he says. She is nuturing but unleashes a fury if her child is threatened but she is the resurrection of our own intuition. She is also the chaos that Pandoras box sprang forth.
Third goddess is Eris. She is a dwarf planet first known as Xena, she orbits the sun from the Kuyper Belt far beyond Pluto. her orbit is 560 years (Plutos is 280 years) so shes the outcast woman like so many have been if they stay true to themselves. She was discovered in 2005 and is currently at 20 Aries (?????). She represents Strife but she also respresent Striving. As Strife she is talked about in the Sleeping Beauty Tale. She was the fairy that was not invited and she got super heavy duty PISSED and she did all sorts of horrible things. Also known as Discordia.
And the fourth goddess is my favorite Sedna. She lives at the bottom of the sea. She is actually a "minor planet" in the outer edge of the Kuyper Belt or the inner "Oort Cloud". TRhis cloud is a source of comets and other frozen bodies and she is halfway to Alpha Centaurus which is the next closest star to us. She is 1000 miles in diameter and she is solid ice but glows red like Mars. She was discovered in 2003 and is currently at 20 degrees Taurus. I can't remeber the whole myth but the inuit people if too old will go out on their own to die. The girls get married off early because families cannot support them. Well Sedna didn't like the guy that picked for her so her father took out to the freezing sea and threw her over board ( I know .....I thought that was a wee bit harsh but until you've walked a mile in my shoes yada yada yada). Sedna was hanging onto the boat to save herself and her father cut off her fingers so thats why she glows red.
Anyway...she is the guardian of the earth and sea. She is warning us humans to take care of the earth or bad things will happen. They've happened before like with the dinosauer extinction, the many ice ages, floods, etc.
As I write all this down in fun I realize how much I miss college and for a while now I have wanted to go back to get my bachelors in Theology. I find it fascinating.
I also have started a My Space page for my friends. Its still very new but her is the link:
"If you are showing love to your fellow human being, you are showing love to your God."
-His Holiness the Dalai Lama
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