The room was heaven. We could sit on the veranda and hear the surf pounding. I felt I was home and I felt such a sense of peace.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Day 2 part 2 Backpacking
The room was heaven. We could sit on the veranda and hear the surf pounding. I felt I was home and I felt such a sense of peace.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Day 2 part 1 of backpacking
Here is Joanie with her son in law. She had several barns, a strawberry garden with the chickens and the scenery was absolutely lovely. She calls it Shasta View because off in the distance was Shasta Mountain. As I mentioned she is 79 and is still riding. Obviously she is still my role model.
This is Bounce. I use to ride her her great great great grandmother whose name was Honey Bee.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Day 1 Backpacking across the pacific northwest
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Rottweiler Rules
I want you to meet Mr. Ball. This is a ball in all it's perfection. No other ball will do. If Mr. ball is missing I have a very depressed Rottweiler. Playing ball with Mr. Ball makes all who participate happy, happy participants. This is often all it takes to pull me out of one of my little funks.
Now we have other balls. Its not like we are too poor to buy new balls. I have dozens of perfectly new balls. However, these simply won't do. There is only one Mr. Ball and this ain't it.
Where ever the Rottweiler is so too is Mr. Ball and she watches everyone around her to make sure no one takes Mr. Ball because he is just so wonderful, of course, everyone will try to steal it. Even the kitties are not to be trusted. Most times we sleep with Mr. Ball tucked safely away in her mouth.
How does one play ball with Mr. Ball? Well, its very complicated.
Rule 1) The rules are developed by the Rottweiler and the rules can change at any time
Rule 2) When giving the ball over to a human to be thrown an elaborate, highly orchestrated dance occurs. The ball is tucked behind a pillow or snuggled under a blanket, nudged by the nose into a nook or a crannie.
Rule 3) If the human reaches for the ball before this elaborate and highly sophisticated dance is completed then the ball is snatched up, a ritualistic pace around the coffee table ensues and once again the tucking dance continues.
Rule 4) If the human messes with the Rottweiler or teases her with Mr. Ball and does not throw him in a timely manner a new human ball partner will be found promptly until the first human learns his lesson. Her Dad especially has to be taught over and over this very strict rule.
Rule 5) There is no bad time to play Mr. Ball. In fact, as the house shuts down and we go to bed is an especially prized time to play Mr. Ball. If no one "plays ball" there may be a lot of whining and sad eyes.
Rule 6) The wetter and muddier Mr. Ball is the better he is. In fact, when it rains the Rottweiler must be let out immediately so that she may roll Mr. Ball in the grossest, muddiest puddle one can find then she must be promptly let in to start the ritualistic ball playing event.
As you can see here emergency protective measures had to be taken as the kitty (Little Girl) walked by. Little Girl just looks at the Rottweiler with utter and complete disdain because she thinks Mr. Ball is stupid. In fact, both kitties agree that Mr. Ball and the game that is played is very alarming, upsetting and generally a real menace to society.
I just thought I should share this little Moore Fun Ritual with you because if I'm home I'm playing Mr. Ball. I have learned to do it while I'm reading, eating, watching TV, talking on the phone, on the computer. It doesn't matter. In fact, both Jessie and my mother have all accepted that if they are in my house they WILL be playing Mr. Ball. Annie (my mother) is really the prized ball playing partner. She gets it. I don't know why...she just does.
So Grasshopper, if any of you wonder..."Gee...I wonder what Dave and Lisa are doing?" Well now you know...we are most definitely playing Mr. Ball. That's just what we do.
"Every human being should realize that the future of humanity is dependent on their present actions and thinking"
-His Holiness the Dalai Lama
My Harbor
Gilbert writes:
So I've started being vigilant about watching my thoughts all day, and monitoring them. I repeat this vow about 700 times a day: "I will not harbor unhealthy thoughts anymore." Every time a diminishing thought arises, I repeat the vow. I will not harbor unhealthy thoughts anymore. The first time I heard myself say this, my inner ear perked up at the word "harbor," which is a noun and a verb. A harbor, of course, is a place of refuge, a port of entry. I pictured the harbor of my mind- a little beat-up, perhaps, a little storm-worn, but well situated and with a nice depth. The harbor of my mind is an open bay, the only access to the island of my Self (which is a young and volcanic island, yes, but fertile and promising). This island has been through some wars, it is true, but it is now committed to peace, under a new leader (me) who has instituted new policies to protect the place. And now- let the word out across the seven seas- there are much, much stricter laws on the books about who may enter this harbor.
You may not come here anymore with your hard and abusive thoughts, with your plague ships of thoughts, with your slave ship of thoughts, with your warships of thoughts- all these will be turned away. Likewise, any thoughts that are filled with angry or starving exiles, with malcontents and pamphleteers, mutineers and violent assassins, desperate prostitutes, pimps and seditious stowaways- you may not come here anymore, either. Cannibalistic thoughts, for obvious reasons, will no longer be received. Even missionaries will be screened carefully, for sincerity. This is a peaceful harbor, the entryway to a fine and proud island that is only now beginning to cultivate tranquility. If you can abide by these new laws, my dear thoughts, then you are welcome in my mind- otherwise, I shall turn you all back toward the sea from whence you came.
This is my mission, and it will never end.
So....that's where I'm at. I thought instead of pouring all my rank, foul, grotesquely inappropriate and unhealthy thoughts to you I'd share with you my goals for a new outlook on life and Gilbert put it so eloquently I thought I'd just stick with what she said.
Thank you for your patience and tomorrow is a new day.
Love Lisa
"If you utilize compassion, it will bring you tranquility and strength".
-His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Some Thoughts
I decided I was going to live on Tuesday so I helped my mother cut material for sewing. We actually had a good time. She finished sewing a border on a quilt I had worked on for my new cousin Adel. I want to bring it to her when I go to California so she helped me out while I cut material. We finally finished it on Wednesday so we put it on the rack to quilt in her bedroom. It takes up the whole bedroom which I sure my father just loves (NOT) but hopefully it won't take long.
Today I was going to meet my mom at the dentist because I had noticed this golf ball sized lump in her cheek that she insisted wasn't so bad. I cringed and made her make an appointment. As I was feeding my horses this morning I noticed my baby Penny had a swollen hock and of course the sign of anything questionable makes me run to the phone to call the vet (we call him Clyde or Doc Watkins around here. He is an amazing vet but a man of few words). He told me he'd be down in about 30 minutes which I know to mean about an hour. So I decided I would help my Dad thin out his willow trees and the branches with live growth I'd give to my horses. This is what we call environmental enrichment. As I threw the branches in the corral they all snorted nervously and stood very still and very wide eyed. Of course the baby is the brave one (which might explain her various injuries) and after a few stops and starts they were all dragging around these branches happily. Clyde finally arrived and said she just bruised her leg and to just hit it with some blue spray (????). I asked if he had any and he said no but that he'd set some out with Joanne, his wife.
By this time I only had a half hour to run and get the "blue spray", get a latte, and my book and meet my mother at the dentist. Joanne was very excited because, like me, she is getting ready for a trip to Michigan to be with her family but I had to run so I finally got what I needed, ran and got my latte (they start making it when they see my car pull up...I love The Peace Tree) and I barely made it home to get my book but I arrived on time.
I was juggling my mother, her walker, my keys, her checkbook, my book and my latte. Something had to go and I lost my latte. We sadly looked down but no matter my mother said...just get me inside and get another one...we argued for a few minutes and I finally relented (like anyone had any doubts). So I got her in and ran back to The Peace Tree. I could see in their faces that they now think I have a "latte" problem. I tried to explain but perhaps they're right. I'm waiting and reading in the waiting room and they call me in. My mother had two teeth pulled. I was in awe. For me to even get in the chair I need at least 9 prescriptions of happy medicine and she just sat down and had a few teeth pulled. WOW!!!!
She then came over and played with Mr. Ball and Alex and helped me do my bobbins on my sewing machine (me and this sewing machine go round and round and oftentimes my mother has to intervene).
After she went home to nap I turned on the TV and once again Law & Order came on. I had a choice between regular Law & Order or Law & Order: SVU. I decided I couldn't take it any more. I have seen every episode of Law & Order, Law & Order: SVU and Law & Order: CI at least 10 times. I'm done. I can't pretend to care anymore. I admit I had a Law & Order addiction for years but I just can't do it anymore. But there was nothing else on so I'm giving Turner Classic Movies a try. Today was Eva Gardner day but I will admit in the first movie I began reading my really great book Eat, Pray, Love and during the second one I'm writing a new post to my blog so I'm not sure how long Turner Classic Movies is going to last. I'll keep you posted (Ha Ha).
As long as we are on this small planet together, we need human gentleness, human affection.
-His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Love Lisa
By the way the "Blue Spray" is the bluest crap I've ever seen. Besides staining Penny's leg blue permenantly (I'm sure) it has stained my hands blue as well. And this is very blue. I believe the blue has become one with my cells and pretty soon I may resemble something out of X-Men but if it helps my little princess than its no big deal.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Little "Jessie" things
I wanted to write about some of the silly things in my life. First of all meet Guillermo. He's a lawn gnome. Yes...a very tacky lawn gnome. You see when Jessie was growing up we discovered she had a tacky side. She LOVED lawn gnomes. She told me when she had her own house she was going to have a front yard littered with these little guys. I just sighed and figured this weird obsession would pass. She would beg me to get some to put on my lawn. I told her ABSOLUTELY NOT. Well I broke down. Finally at the ripe old age of 22 her lawn gnome obsession is still with us. She was getting ready to move to Salt Lake and we were sad. We were shopping and she and I just stopped in front of this little guy. She looked at me with those puppy dog eyes and I said "What the hell...he's coming home with us".
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Prue's pedicure
Speaking of...this is our beautiful Penny Lane. My daughter is a huge Beatles fan so when she was born on Earth Day April 22, 2007 she named her Penny Lane. Notice the wood in the background. Wood is a chew toy...hence Uncle Jimmy's Hanging Balls. She is truly beautiful and such a joy. Her manners are coming along and she is going to make a fine trail horse one day. Until then her and David share a special bond that usually results in him repairing something.
This is my little prince. His name is Elliot's Paper Son named after my favorite band and its singer Joe Elliott from Def Leppard. He can do no wrong as far as I am concerned. I cannot tell you the love and joy this guy has given me. Now my horses were in rather dubious shape when they arrived and it took patience, lots of food and vitamins and lots of love and its paid off. He follows me where ever I go and he adores me and the feeling is mutual. However, these horses have become some of the biggest in the area. My husband loves to comment on that because I always call them my "wee ones". How can you not love that face. Whenever I get down or feel stressed I just go and sit down at my little ranch and this peace just washes over me. This has been my dream since I was 2 years old. David finally made it happen when I turned 40.
This requires removing shoes and nails from four hooves, clipping then filing four hooves, making sure all hooves are even then shaping the shoes to fit each hoof then the nailing begins. It takes patience and skill. I am so grateful we found him...AND he is our neighbor!! Good to know.
This is Prue saying "Are we done yet?"
Friday, August 15, 2008
My Flowers
This is a poppy....I LOVE POPPIES and they came out quite beautiful.
I planted a number of Stargazer Lillie's in honor of my daughter because they are her favorite.
They are so cool and I just cannot believe I pulled it off
That was already there so I can't take the credit but its still gorgeous
One of the flowers that just says summer and sunshine and all things wonderful are sunflowers. I got Mammoth Sunflower seeds and they weren't kidding. They are now way over the fence. I will let them mature then during the winter you just set the heads out and let the birds eat from them.
This is Little Girl (a story for another post) but she is a lioness in the jungle amongst poppies and columbine and painted daisies.
The amazing thing is is they are sprouted and grew. Yes I'm a biologist but my concentration was in animal biology especially animal behavior. However plant anatomy was a required course so thank you Dr. Bankes...I guess I really did pay attention in class. I have found so much joy in making my garden grow and to have all these beautiful flowers poke up their little faces at me. It just shows a little love, sunshine and water and a big dose of God's miracle work can create something so wonderful. I start every morning by watering the garden and end every evening watering my garden. Even my father is proud and our gardens have brought he and I so much closer together. I thank God every day I made the decision to move here to not only help but to get to know my dad. He and I have had our problems and I think I have finally made him proud. With him being so sick everyday is a gift that I spend with him and I am so fortunate that we are okay. I think I am the only one he trusts to mess around in his garden and that garden is something to behold. I will take pictures so that you may share in his little desert oasis.
The Dalai Lama says:
The aim of all Buddhists must be to empty themselves of greed and grasping desire, the root of all suffering.
Just a day in the life...
Mom picked up her sewing machine from the quilt shop that we LOVE and then off to the MRI. I did the driving and sipped my lattes which resulted in 5 stops to pee.
I received my new Body and Soul Magazine as well as my Horse Illustrated. In Horse Illustrated there is always a centerfold. I always whip it out and Eww and Ahh. David said "boy have times changed for me" comment.
Today I have to see my Chiropractor, gather up all the veggies I can to sell tomorrow at the SFM and I need to steam my parents clothes. I noticed my dad had set aside some pants and shirts on the kitchen bar. I took that as a hint. He's very subtle.
Last night as we settled down to watch Burn Notice we lost our power. So we took a drive and we notice the ENTIRE town of Blanding and all outlying areas were out as well. That always scares me because my Dad is on oxygen. I was fairly disgusted with the whole situation because no power, no swamp cooler or fan. Not good. Right as we resigned ourselves and prepared to go to bed (what else are we going to do) the lights came on. We sang Hallelujah and other celebration songs. But by then I was tired so I read a page and a half and fell asleep. My husband informed me I snored (cute baby snores.....whatever).
so that's it for now. I will be posting later today. I joined an online book club which is most exciting. That's all I've got folks.
The Dalai Lama says:
I feel the different religious traditions have a great responsibility to provide peace of mind and a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood among humanity.
I agree
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Alexandra the Greatest
Monday, August 11, 2008
My 15 minutes

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Correction...sorry Justin
Thank you for your patience
David often stops by because whether he wants to admit it or not he LOVES hearing the goings on in this town. There are two sources....the farmers market and the hair dressers (like in Steel Magnolias). Somehow this year my mother got elected as president which means she is a figure head while I run around and "get 'er done". Its added a whole new spin on this lovely Saturday morning tradition. David finds all of this extremely amusing and I get absolutely no sympathy.