Okay so I have my special Def Leppard fan club shirt on and off we go to see the concert. We stayed at the Excaliber which was AWESOME!! We checked in and decided to go bar hopping until we had to go to the concert. I wanted to try an Apple Martini so at the first bar I had my appletini and then David decides we just have to go to the ESPN Zone bar next door so off we go. I slammed down my appletini and off we went. We oooohhhhed and aaahhhed at the cool vegas strip and wandered into ESPN. I order another appletini because come to find out they are quite delicious. The bartender hands me this punch bowl of a glass filled to the brim with the wonderful elixir called Appletini. Dave chugged his beer and I attempted to chug down mine. And I chugged and I chugged. We walk outside and I have no idea what happened but it was like I was hit by a mack truck. My tongue muscle lost its ability to form words. My feet lost their ability to operate with any kind of syncronicity. In fact my ankles decided to take a nap and I'm crumpling to my knees. David was like "Jesus Hon...what the hell happened?" I giggled and tried to say "I don't know....help me....My eyes are crossing". So off we go back to the Excaliber as David dragged me in as my arms waved helplessly around and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. This was bad. I needed to sober up for my boys but we had our work cut out for us. Luckily I get what I call the "beer munchies". If I drink and I get snockered I all of a sudden must eat much like the pot heads we all know and love. I ate pizza, drank 5 gallons of coffee and showered and you know...I was okay. I was going to be okay. Then something amazing happened..........
As we walked through the lobby we noticed the Thunder boys were there posing for pictures. David suggested for shits and giggles having pose with them. So I said "okay...for you I guess I can do this" I mean standing next to male strippers is a sacrifice but what can I say...I'm a good wife.

Picture one....I'm a little self conscious but I do it. Now mind you there should be 4 pictures in this series. But here I am..semi sober and being a lady I posed sweetly. Dave smiled and I smiled and click...here is the picture but then they say we have three more to take. I was like...okay. Bring it!!

As you can see I'm feeling alittle more comfortable and to be quite frank I was still buzzing a bit and I was finding my cocky, sassy Lisa began to emerge. I smiled at David and he sort of smiled back but with a furrowed brow.
You just gotta love the guy that is shushing. Hilarious and oh what fun. So on to the third picture and then the fourth.

Okay so picture three I am definatley getting my groove on...look at me!! I look like I am Diana Ross busting on to the stage. Yes my friends I was feeling it. I smiled and looked at my sweet David who is in a full blown scowl by now. When it was suggested we move on to picture 4 David said "Alright...thats enough" A cock block if there ever was one. But what fun. In fact the next time I go I think I will watch their show and maybe...just maybe I will be sporting a Thunder Down Under Fan Club T-shirt. We shall see.
So off we go to the concert. It was everything I thought it would be and more...yes...I know I've seen them 6 times but I always catch something new. A true fan never gets over it.
About 3/4ths of the way through the concert David had a brillant idea. I could drink Red Bull and Vodka and that way I'd have fun drinking but I'd be awake.
I don't believe I have EVER been so annilated in my life. The unfortunate part is MGM (where the concert was) is ginormous. I know David literally held me up and dragged me to the what? The tram??? Oh my hell....I can no longer hold my head up and I'm basically just a passed out person that had her eyes sort of opened.
Dave unfortunately saw that fun window of drunk Lisa sex was closing by the minute. I barely made it to the room, I fell on the bed sideways and in the morning I woke laying in my own regurgitation. Hell of a night...just one hell of a night.
So for those of you that don't know me...my nickname is Tequila Lisa and she is my bizarro Lisa. For those of you that do know me...well it was typical. But fun!! Yes you would've been proud. So even though I never got that fourth picture the memories will last a lifetime.
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