Okay fellow bloggers.....why is doing my blog so hard. Wehn I add pictures they always go to the top ani just want my blog to be less frustrating because I d then I have to move the pictures around with my explanation going haywire. Then I ended up with like an entire page of blank in between. I am obviously not getting it.. Anyone have any advice on how to make this work better. I look at other blogs and they are so beautiful then there is mine which is really unexplainable. Forexample I wrote two blogs and yet there is a mile of white page between then so I know most people will not even see it. I need a blogger lesson from anyone that want to help me.
My email: Lupita777@frontiernet.net
Or just comment from this blog.
I just need help because I've noticed I get frustrated and then I stat putting it off but I have so much to say!@!!!
"True enlightenment is nothing but the nature of one's own self being fully realized."
-His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Sunday, May 17, 2009
My Mother's Birthday Party at the Peace Tree
That morning my sweetie Morgan and I got decorations and we set up the Peace Tree with bright and happy colors.
Here she is with her iced latte that I made for her and she already was digging into the presents....no one loves presents more than my mother
Here is my boss and dear friend Karen (owner of all The Peace Trees) and my moms friend Marie who is an angel and is a great help to my parents
Here is my mother with a few of her friends. I made wraps and smoothies and everyone had a great time!! Her friends include from left hand side of mom...Marie, Dale and Sherri Shumway then Donna Jones...my cousin
And finally me who is showing signs the day is beginning to catch up to me.
It was a great day that she deserved. I truly wish I could make everyday special for my mother. She deserves so much that I can't do right now. But the main thing is she knows I love her and that everyone in this little tiny town love
I hope she had a fun day and that she knows she is so loved by so many people because she truly is an angel on earth
"The more we focus on others, the more we have a concern for others, it seems to bring an inner strength."
-His Holiness the Dalai Lama
May is my Mother's Month
My mother's month is May. Lets see.....her last name is May, her anniversary is May 4th, her birthday is May 12th and of course Mothers Day that fell on the 10th this year but many times her birthday falls on Mothers Day. She really deserves it because December is her worst nightmare....Christmas, My dad's birthday is Dec. 1, my husband David's is on the 5th of Dec. and mine is the 12th. So knowing all this I pamper her the entire month of May. At least I try.

This year is especially difficult for her especially. My father is not doing well and its scary. Then the day before Mothers Day we had to put her sweet Molly (her 14 year old McNabb...a dog) down. She finally decided she was too old and too tired to do another day. She went peacefully but my mother was heart broken.
So I decided we were going to make a garden where she lived outside my moms bedroom near the porch.
I take mom in my mustang and off we go to the greenhouse. Well we went crazy. She bought a bunch of flowers for me and I bought a ton her. After we paid for all of this I realized I have a Mustang. So....I crammed my mother and flowers in every nook and crannie and we prayed we'd make it home which is over a mountain and is about a 30 min drive
now you see how many plants we crammed into my tiny car with my mother. I put her in the car and then wedged plants all around her and the trunk. But what I love about all of this is that smile on her face. I managed to make her smile after she said good bye to her dear friend Molly that very morning.
"Genuine peace between between nations will come from mutual respect, not from weapons or force."
-His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Lots to say
Hey Everyone...I am so sorry its been so long but as I mentioned before I spilled wine on my computer and fried the mother board. I have learned my lesson...I keep my wine on another table now.
I have so much to tell everyone. These past weeks or days or whatever have been filled with my little life events that some might say bordered on drudgery but its my drudgery. And because you seem to care enough to tune in and read my ramblings it now becomes your drudgery as well.
Actually my life is great. I have come so far from where I was this time last year...by September I was borderline suicidal and now I am just as happy as I can be with my life...sure we all wish some things were a little different but all in all I am very satisfied with my life.
So onto my new Dell....Its like a gift from the angels. I have never had a computer custom made for me but this one is. I call him Kermit because every time I see the beautiful green cover I start to sing Kermit's song....I think its something like...Its not easy being green....
Oh well enough of that. This piece of technology has made me smile. Its fully loaded and has extra stuff for my photography and my Internet (of course)...(my window to the world which has been one thing that has improved my mood.
I also quit smoking. I still am not completely out of the woods but it seems so doable for me now. Every now and then I will take a drag or two when I'm ready to have a nervous break down but otherwise I've pretty much beat this thing.
Today is Thursday which is like my Friday so TGIT EVERYONE!!!! Okay so basically what I am saying is after work I nap then tan with a friend then I will write about one of many many topics I have thought of this last week or so.
My mother was a trooper by allowing me joint custody but I know it was not completely fair because sometimes I would hog it. Its the only thing that works when I am fighting a nicotine craving so if it seems like I'm online a bit (for the facebook users that know me) just know I am just tyring to get through this. It keeps my mind and hands busy and Mike and Ikes take care of my oral fixation for now (Dave has other ideas but that's for another topic).
I have pictures, news, ideas, thoughts and opinions to share with all of you whether you wanted any of these things or not. So make sure to tune in the next few days at my two blogs. This one and my less PC one:
"Every person has the same potential for inner tranquility, but negative forces such as fear, suspicion, selfishness and self-hatred can destroy inner peace"
-His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Now I am going to say what you just read is so true. I have been the one putting up all these road blocks to my own happiness and though Rome wasn't built in a day I think I am definitely heading in the right direction.
I have so much to tell everyone. These past weeks or days or whatever have been filled with my little life events that some might say bordered on drudgery but its my drudgery. And because you seem to care enough to tune in and read my ramblings it now becomes your drudgery as well.
Actually my life is great. I have come so far from where I was this time last year...by September I was borderline suicidal and now I am just as happy as I can be with my life...sure we all wish some things were a little different but all in all I am very satisfied with my life.
So onto my new Dell....Its like a gift from the angels. I have never had a computer custom made for me but this one is. I call him Kermit because every time I see the beautiful green cover I start to sing Kermit's song....I think its something like...Its not easy being green....
Oh well enough of that. This piece of technology has made me smile. Its fully loaded and has extra stuff for my photography and my Internet (of course)...(my window to the world which has been one thing that has improved my mood.
I also quit smoking. I still am not completely out of the woods but it seems so doable for me now. Every now and then I will take a drag or two when I'm ready to have a nervous break down but otherwise I've pretty much beat this thing.
Today is Thursday which is like my Friday so TGIT EVERYONE!!!! Okay so basically what I am saying is after work I nap then tan with a friend then I will write about one of many many topics I have thought of this last week or so.
My mother was a trooper by allowing me joint custody but I know it was not completely fair because sometimes I would hog it. Its the only thing that works when I am fighting a nicotine craving so if it seems like I'm online a bit (for the facebook users that know me) just know I am just tyring to get through this. It keeps my mind and hands busy and Mike and Ikes take care of my oral fixation for now (Dave has other ideas but that's for another topic).
I have pictures, news, ideas, thoughts and opinions to share with all of you whether you wanted any of these things or not. So make sure to tune in the next few days at my two blogs. This one and my less PC one:
"Every person has the same potential for inner tranquility, but negative forces such as fear, suspicion, selfishness and self-hatred can destroy inner peace"
-His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Now I am going to say what you just read is so true. I have been the one putting up all these road blocks to my own happiness and though Rome wasn't built in a day I think I am definitely heading in the right direction.
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